RUTH ANNE WOOD – It’s fitting that JV ATTRACTION‘s first guest post is from long time friend and media mavin Edie Weinstein. She was the one who dubbed me “Ruth the Poet” when I was fourteen. She and her late husband Michael offered me a teen columnist spot in her magazine “Visions” magazine back in the early 1990’s, (which I regretfully turned down on the belief that I didn’t think I had enough life experience.) A year or so later in 1994 I got my “life experience”. I worked at Omega Institute at one of the premier retreat centers for personal development authors, mentor, coaches and speakers. Days later in 1994 I traveled to Indonesia on Special Expedition Cruise for 20 days with my grandmother and then a month later spontaneously backpacked across the country for a year, living in Hawaii for ten months right after high school.
The point is don’t wait! Opportunities to share your gifts as an author, coach, mentor and speaker are all around us! “In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king!” Use JV ATTRACTION to discover amazing joint venture partners in your niche market. Ask “How can I help?” you’ll be surprised at the doors and windows that open to you. There are rooms full of like minded prospects and fans that are eager for your solutions, insight, short cuts, vision and leadership!! You may even meet your own Edie, a.k.a. life time friend and supporter. Without further ado…
One Hand Washes the Other
By Edie Weinstein
I am a consummate networker. I come by it genetically and via upbringing, since my South Philly born and raised father seemed to know folks everywhere we went. I would roll my eyes sometimes when it would take forever (to my child’s mind) to leave somewhere, since he would run into someone and initiate conversation. He showed me that there is an art to connection. Finding common ground is key. Although he had no formal degrees, and was a blue collar working man, he could communicate with people on all rungs of the socioeconomic ladder. He would also frequently use the phrase “One hand washes the other,” meaning that we can have mutually beneficial interactions and create win/win scenarios. Both have served me well in my work. I have learned that there is no one who is totally unapproachable since what we all have in common is a desire to belong and feel as if we are part of the tribe. That’s where community building comes into play.
Take a look at the people with whom you connect on a regular basis. What common threads are there between you? Do you have similar interests, purpose or passion? My guess is that you do, or you would be unlikely to be hanging out together. Can you harness that energy for a greater purpose? That could mean sharing resources and ideas, introducing each other to folks who could be catalysts for new growth into as yet unexplored territory. Some of the most successful ideas in my life have come from partnering with others who have a shared vision as well as the desire and ability to see it through to completion.
I love co-facilitating workshops with others with whom I share resonance, so that the audience reaps greater reward in the blending of our styles, ideas, background and expertise. I have been honored to have my writing included in various co-authored books. I enjoy mutual promotion of work as a PR Goddess, and know how to get out the word. Friends joke (maybe) that “You know everyone.” As Malcolm Gladwell refers to the concept in his book The Tipping Point, I am a ‘connector’ who delights in being the bridge between friends and colleagues. I have also been an affiliate when authors have done book launches.
I look forward to heartstorming ideas with those who are jumping on board to be part of this Joint Ventures project.
Edie Weinstein, MSW, LSW is a career journalist (founding publisher of Visions Magazine 1988-1998), dynamic transformational speaker, interfaith minister, licensed social worker, reiki master, BLISS coach, radio host (It’s All About Relationships and the author of The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming The Ordinary Into The Extraordinary.
If you want to guest post for email with your sample JV article and bio geared for authors, coaches, speakers and mentors attached.
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