Making An Impact One video Post A Day – Day 1

One of the benefits of running JV ATTRACTION facebook community is sharing helpful marketing information and resources. Another one is being on my toes when members ask for joint venture, affiliate or marketing help. That’s when I encourage them to bring their project to the facebook group or put out an affiliate marketing request for their upcoming product launch. I also encourage people in the invitation only facebook group to share helpful marketing resources, start a discussion, post what coaching or information products they are creating or need promotional partners to help with the selling.  When I get feedback  from one of my members this is a great way to start a conversation.

Well, I had just posted a screen shot of my new mobile squeeze page for the Miracle Mondays book and training I had created and Tom Bice liked it. This made me smile as I remembered what a great instant message conversation we had on facebook a month earlier which was a big influence in helping me create these Miracle Monday resources as he shared his needs in his interfaith community and global outreach projects.

So I immediately sent him a big thank you on his facebook messenger and before I knew it we were having another awesome conversation about our work. This lead to a conversation about building a greater video presence in our respective communities. That’s when we came up with a 90 day video challenge, posting one a day online.

Here is my first post and it comes on the tale of having an awesome spiring day yesterday full of friends , synchronicities and some big aha moments about my contribution and work in the world.

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